
Orion Center for Integrative Medicine is proud to partner with the following Pacific Northwest oncology institutions.


Cancer Lifeline

Cancer Lifeline helps thousands of cancer patients build strength through support groups, classes in nutrition, exercise, personal expression and stress reduction, and personalized emotional support.

Whether you are newly diagnosed, through treatment and looking to adjust to the new reality, or you know someone with cancer, Cancer Lifeline has services that can meet you where you are now, and help you.

Harmony Hill Retreat Center

Harmony Hill is a Washington State retreat center focused on renewal and deep well-being for all people, with a special emphasis on cancer patients, survivors, caregivers, and health professionals.

Seattle Integrative Oncology

From prevention to palliation, Dr. Aschtgen and Dr. Joseph work with patients at all stages of health and disease. Their extensive knowledge on current treatment and supportive options allow patients to make educated and individualized decisions regarding their condition and care. 

Collaborative Care Seattle

Collaborative Care Seattle is a collective of like-minded practitioners whose diversity in education and experience aims to offer patients a truly holistic approach to their health. Therapies include Functional and Herbal Medicine, Acupuncture, Counseling, Yoga Therapy, Nutrition and Hypnotherapy.